Imagining AI and Quantum Computing
The coupling of advances in artificial intelligence with a future in which quantum computing is commonplace could bring about drastic societal changes.
What I watched: “Companies, countries battle to develop quantum computers” by 60 Minutes. Posted December 4, 2023.
I just watched this 60 Minutes report on quantum computing. Various companies and research projects are working on creating working quantum computers. Per the report, many researchers seem to feel that we'll have them relatively soon.
What is quantum computing?
Quantum computing uses processors that store and manipulate information on electrons at an atomic level. The basic unit of information in quantum computing is the qubit (quantum bit). Unlike the classical bit (binary digit) of information that computers of today use by employing transistors to hold and manipulate data in one of two states (on/off, 0/1, yes/no, true/false), a qubit can hold information in a multitude of states simultaneously.
Qubits replace transistors in quantum computers. Qubits act like artificial atoms holding electrons. Unlike transistors, each additional qubit doubles computing power. 20 transistors are 20 times more powerful than one transistor. But 20 qubits are a million times more powerful than one.
A researcher interviewed in the report believes future quantum computers will be able to handle calculations that a million or even billion of today’s existing supercomputers could not handle.
The same researcher tells the 60 Minutes reporter that he believes the rate of quantum computing development is going to shock most people. Another researcher interviewed believes that the problems that need to be solved are indeed solvable to achieve a large-scale working quantum computing system by the end of this decade. The first researcher concurs with that assessment.
The report is five months old. My guess is there has already been significantly more progress made on developing machines for this entirely new computing paradigm. Big companies and governments are all in an urgent race to create a workable, operationally efficient quantum computer. Why? Because the country or corporation that figures this out will rule the world’s economy.
The video concludes by explaining why today’s computers can never solve certain problems that quantum computers will be to able to solve. Those answers to impossible problems could be in the fields of physics, chemistry, engineering, and medicine. The video specifically focuses on the breakthroughs that could be possible in medicine.
Already what I learned from the video is remarkable, but then I started to think about artificial intelligence (AI) and what quantum computers would mean to that realm.
I’ve been studying and writing about AI for more than a year. What I’ve learned has me convinced AI on its own is a disruptive influence on the magnitude of the creation of the internet.
Already technology and economic pundits are predicting large swaths of job categories will be impacted or outright eliminated as AI’s dominance imbeds itself in our lives. AI is likely to transform education, the sciences, workplaces, and local and national governance. While the timelines for such shifts vary by pundit, virtually everyone believes AI will change things drastically in either the short or long term.
Now imagine AI coupled with quantum computing. As AI development moves quickly ahead so does the development of quantum computers. When the two intersect at some point in the future, what kinds of drastic increases in computing speed and expanses of data sets might that entail? It boggles the mind to even consider the possibilities.
So, why do I bother to write about this?
Let’s assume the researchers in the video are highly optimistic and it takes another 10 or 15 years to develop reliable and scalable working quantum computers. During that same time, AI development will have already advanced considerably using the computing platforms available today.
If you were reading this at the age of 25, you’ll only by 40 in 15 years. AI will have already advanced beyond what we recognize today. When AI meets the quantum computers of tomorrow, life will possibly change drastically and quickly.
Everything could change so quickly it would make one’s head spin. Being forewarned with this possible new reality will encourage people to prepare. I’m not even entirely sure how one might best prepare for such changes. I just know being aware that important pivotal moments are coming is a lot better than being blindsided by them happening to us unaware.
Maybe it means have to figure out how to replace your income if technology wipes out your profession in months rather than over the course of many years. Maybe it means focusing your learning and education on certain subject areas that better position you to thrive and survive. I’m honestly not sure of all the ways people will need to prepare, but it seems prudent to start giving it some thought.
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